Stewardship and Giving

We believe that God has entrusted us to be stewards of all our resources, and all of creation. Giving at St. Andrew's can take many forms as you offer time, talent, and treasure.

Below you'll find details about financial giving, and you can find information on our lay ministries here. You'll find many options to participate in our outreach ministries under that menu option at the top of the page.


Click the button below to securely donate 
with a credit card or via Paypal.
(This method has the lowest 
processing cost for us.)
For one-time gifts or recurring pledges.

Click to give via 
 or Credit Card

Click here for our Venmo 
non-profit account

Credit Card

Click the button below to securely donate via credit card via Vanco. First time users are required to set up a profile and password. 
For one-time gifts or recurring pledge.

Click to Give 
a Credit Card 
or ACH
Automatic Draft

We also offer you the option of paying your pledge through automatic deductions from your checking or savings account. This can be set up through your own bill pay system, or you may contact the church office at 402-391-1950.

Cash or Check

Can be placed in the offering plate by using the envelopes provided in the pews. To receive credit for cash donations, an envelope with donor name and address is required.

St. Andrew's Memorial Fund and Legacy Fund

A gift to the Saint Andrew’s is a special way to remember or honor your loved ones on special occasions or holidays. Giving gifts, in memory of loved ones who have died or persons we wish to honor, or for any other reason, is a fine way to ensure that the heritage of St. Andrew’s and its mission and outreach will continue.

Those honored and the families of those remembered will be notified of your generosity (amount not disclosed). If you would like to make a donation in memory or in honor of a loved one, please contact the church office at 402-391-1950.

The St. Andrew's Legacy Fund enables the church to more completely fulfill its mission by developing its ministries beyond what is possible through the annual operating funds. Distributions from the fund are used for capital needs, outreach ministries, seed money for new ministries, and special one-time projects. Donors can also designate a purpose for significant gifts to the Legacy Fund. There are several ways to support the Legacy Fund, including a a cash donation, a bequest in your will, gifts of life insurance, IRA, and retirement plans, and charitable annuities and trusts.