Every Wednesday during Lent we will pray the Stations of the Cross at 6 PM. This ancient devotion give us a prayerful way to connect Jesus' final days with our own lives. A soup supper and adult formation follows afterward.
This beautiful children's book gently tells the story of the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. We'll use it to pray a version of the Stations of the Cross appropriate for families and children. Soup Supper at 5:30, worship at 6 PM.
This moving and dramatic evening allows us to join together with Mary Magdalene as our witness, companion, and guide for reflection and prayer on the twelve Stations of the Cross. A soup supper follows.
This movie (and book) is a thoughtful exploration of the profound impact one life has on countless others. Join us for this two-part adult formation, in-person or on Zoom
This 2023 film is based on the real-life Rehabilitation Through the Arts program at Sing Sing Maximum Security Prison. Kids will be watching the animated movie "Sing." Supper at 6, movies at 7 PM.
Join us on Saturday, April 12th at 9:30 to help make Crosses from palm fronds to distribute on Palm Sunday.
The Gospel texts of Jesus’ final days come to life in the beautiful artwork of John August Swanson, with reflections from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University.
We will be blessing palms for the Palm Sunday liturgy at each of our four weekend services on April 12/13th.
Our worship on Maundy Thursday, the beginning of the sacred three days of the Triduum, begins at 7 PM on April 17th.
Following the Maundy Thursday service there will be continuous prayers offered in the chapel. You can sign up for a one-hour shift at church on Palm Sunday.
Good Friday worship, with the Solemn Collects and Great Litany, is at noon and 7 PM on April 18th.
Our Easter Vigil, the conclusion of the sacred three days of the Triduum, will again this year be a service with the whole parish family involved, beginning at 6 PM on April 19th.
On Sunday, March 30th, St. Andrew’s will partner with the American Red Cross for a blood drive, from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM. You can pre-register here (select St. Andrew’s on the left of this Red Cross link) or just walk in. Volunteers will also be needed to assist Red Cross staff and donors with administration and our canteen on the morning of our blood drive.
Celebrate the joy of Easter with us at our three services on Sunday, April 20th. There will be an Easter Egg hunt on the lawn at 10:15 AM.