Episcopal 101 & Adult Confirmation Class
On Saturday, November 9, youth group age members (grades 7-12) are invited to join Fr. Keith and Mother Kaity for a youth group outreach event as we serve as volunteers at the food pantry at Church of the Resurrection/the Read more
Beginning November 2/3, we will be collecting canned goods and non-perishable items to help families from Hillside and Westgate Elementary Schools create Thanksgiving dinners for their families.
Grocery prices are up 20% compared to four years ago, making it Read more
Join us for our stewardship celebration with one combined Sunday worship service on November 24th.
There will be lunch following, at 11:30. Ham and potatoes will be provided–please bring a salad, vegetable, bread, or dessert.
The Omaha Pipes and Drums will present their annual St. Andrew’s Day concert on Sunday, November 30th at 7 PM.
Join us and thrill to the stirring music of bagpipes, poetry, and song!