Bring canned goods and shelf-stable food products to church during November and join us at 9 AM on Sunday, November 19th to help us pack them into bags for distribution at Westgate and Hillside Elementary Schools.
Our fall youth Sunday School starts on Sunday, September 17th at 10:15 AM (after the 9 AM jazz worship service).
Sunday School for all ages (Nursery for children 3 and under) uses Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and the Read more
Thanks to everyone who participated in this fun family event! There were ten chili contestants and more than 15 decorated cars. Congratulations to Keelin Freeman and Aylee Jones, winners of the decoration contest, and Bill Anderson the chili winner.
Students, Teachers, and School Staff: Join us at one of our worship services on Sunday, August 21st, for a blessing for the year ahead!