You'll find many opportunities at St. Andrew's to escape the rush of the commercial holiday season and find ways to connect with God and your loved ones. Please take a look at the various special events listed below, and join us in worship, prayer, fellowship, and song. Blessings and Peace, Fr. Keith+
The family service will be at 5 PM with the prelude starting at 4:30. The Midnight Mass will be at 11 PM with the music prelude starting at 10:30 PM.
We will bless our Mitten Tree on Sunday, December 1, the first Sunday of Advent. This year, our Mitten Tree will have two components: a Holiday Sponsorship program AND a winter weather program to ensure all Hillside students are able to play outdoors during winter months. All donations should be dropped off at church by December 15th so families can pick up their items before the holiday break. See this article for full details.
Join us in preparing for the birth of Jesus and experience the Christmas Story with fresh perspective through our Thrill of Hope Advent formation series! Hear the familiar story of Christmas and see it illustrated and interpreted anew in the stunning artwork of John August Swanson. A Thrill of Hope: The Christmas Story in Word and Art will be offered on the following dates and times: Tuesdays: December 3rd, 10th, and 17th at 9:00 AM Wednesdays: December 4th, 11th, and 18th at 7:00 PM Join us in-person in the Undercroft (church basement) or via Zoom.
On Sunday, December 15 at 5:00 PM, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church will offer a Blue Christmas Mass. Our Blue Christmas Mass is a service of healing and hope for everyone. As the days get shorter and holidays approach, we know this time of year can be difficult for those who are struggling or grieving a loss in their lives–a broken relationship, a job loss, loss of independence, a recent diagnosis, or the loss of a loved one or friend. Our Blue Christmas Mass service will include soft music, readings of hope, and a quiet place to experience the love and support of others during what can be a dark and lonely time of year for many people. Whether you need a space to cry, to stand, to pace, to pray, or to be surrounded and supported by a community, there is a place for you at our table and at this service.
Our St. Andrew’s Sunday School Youth will present the heartwarming story of Christmas on December 22, 2024 at 4 PM. They will be joined by our St. Andrew’s Bell Choir, along with several other talented musicians who will sing and play some of your favorite songs of the season. Christmas Pageant rehearsal will be on Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 9:00 AM with a family cookie baking party afterwards! You’ll have a chance to join in singing a few holiday favorites, and our younger children are welcome to join the animal cast! Whether a sheep or donkey – there’s a role for every child to play. No registration necessary, just arrive a little early to don your costume and join the fun! Following the pageant, we will have a pizza party together to celebrate. Bring your holiday spirit and join in the celebration!