Coffee Hour Schedule

Please bring treats on your assigned week and help set up and clean up in Engle Hall.  If the Coffee Hour date does not work for your group, please contact another group to switch days. This Coffee Hour is for after both 9:00 and 10:30 am services. Coffee Hour is a good time to bring information to the Parish about your organization's ministry! Thank you for your help. 

Sunday9:00 am Sponsors10:30 am Sponsors
January 26Camille CulpColleen Messec & Charley and Nancy Pugsley
February 2Barb JacksonPat Klaus & Amy Urban
February 9Kim JohansenDiane Cox, Judi Vrana, & Bryan Bohn
February 16 Sue and Brea WoodsonMina Witherspoon & Liz Bourne
February 23Niki RodawigJohn and Elizabeth Hallgren & Cricket Foley
March 2Morrow AllemangKen and Val West
March 9Shaun and Cathy RifeRon and Carole Dunic
March 16Bill and Nancy PonecStu and Dari Dornan
March 23Sharon Macholan and Pat KanagoEric and Sue Manley
March 30The Harms FamilyColleen Messec, Charley & Nancy Pugsley
April 6Don and Melissa PeelerPat Klaus & Amy Urban
April 13Miranda TurnblacerDiane Cox, Judi Vrana, & Bryan Bohn
April 20Niki RodawigMina Witherspoon and Liz Bourne
April 27Jean SitzmanJohn and Elizabeth Hallgren & Cricket Foley
May 4Camille CulpKen and Val West
May 11Barb JacksonRon and Carole Dunic
May 18Kim JohansenStu and Dari Dornan
May 25Sue and Brea WoodsonEric and Sue Manley
June 1Sue MenterColleen Messec & Charley and Nancy Pugsley
June 8Morrow AllemangPat Klaus & Amy Urban